Ajakaja Stories template

Ajakaja Stories template

Copy in new story here. After adding the story, go to the right hand side under ‘Post’ and make the following edits.Make sure that ‘Ajakaja Stories’ is selected in the Categories section (this will make it appear in the Ajakaja stories...

Renew your account

How to Renew Your Account Please follow these instructions to renew your account. Important – Log in first, unless you are joining for the first time. If you try to create a new account it will tell you that your email is taken. If you can’t remember your...

Book Review – Freedom, Land & Legacy

Book Review by Alja Pirosok Freedom, Land, & Legacy Compiled and edited by Dave Kiil and Eda McClung. 2010 A rich and progressive legacy Freedom, Land, & Legacy: Alberta’s Estonians 1899-2009 is a valuable publication, and a fascinating read, richly...