How to Renew Your Account
Please follow these instructions to renew your account.
- Important – Log in first, unless you are joining for the first time. If you try to create a new account it will tell you that your email is taken. If you can’t remember your password, use these instructions to reset your password.
2. Once logged in, you should be redirected to your Member’s Home Page which shows your name (see image below). Click on the ‘renew my subscription’ tab on the blue bar.
3. You should see your past membership type showing under the ‘Renew my Subscription’ heading.
4. To renew, click on ‘renew’ in the ‘Actions’ section that shows your current membership, or go to one of the choices at the bottom and click ‘sign up’. The easiest method is to choose one of the recurring memberships, which will automatically renew every year.
5. Once you click on ‘Renew’ or ‘Sign up’, it will automatically take you through to Paypal to pay with your credit card.