Register to be a Member Please type in your email address again to make sure it matches. Please note the password you've set up, this will be your account password. *Phone(type in number only - eg. 0000000000)*Address 1Estonian heritage region of AlbertaBAR (Barons, Foremost, Medicine Hat and elsewhere in the far south of the province)CAL - Calgary and nearby areas (Cochrane, Canmore, Airdrie etc)RED - Red Deer and area (Stettler, Eckville, Big Valley, Sylvan Lake, Lacombe, etc)EDM - Edmonton and area, plus Northern AlbertaOAB (outside Alberta)(If applicable)(if applicable)Connection to Estonian Heritage1st-3rd generation Estonian4th-6th generation Estonian7th generation & onward EstonianMarried into Estonian heritage familyInterested in Estonian cultureOtherBiographical info you'd like to shareThis will only be shared with other AEHS members Accept our Terms & Conditions Application TypeNew member applicationMembership renewalRequest for removal(if your membership is being paid by someone else)Accept display on Memberlist