Copy in new story here.
- After adding the story, go to the right hand side under ‘Post’ and make the following edits.
- Make sure that ‘Ajakaja Stories’ is selected in the Categories section (this will make it appear in the Ajakaja stories posts)
- Replace the featured image. This is what will show at the top on the front end. You won’t see it appear in this back-end editor
- Add an excerpt (this is a short paragraph about the story). This will appear in the bottom section where it shows links to posts.
- Add the author’s name under ‘story author’
- Add a subhead under ‘subhead’

You can also add an image in using an image block. Use the ‘change alignment tool’ (it looks like three lines, one thicker) to set whether the image is centred, left aligned or right aligned. I usually use right-aligned so the text wraps around. You can click on the image at right and select replace. Drag the little circles around it to resize.
When you are finished, click ‘publish’ and the post should appear live.
(note - if you publish this template, it will appear live, so make sure it has new content before publishing).
This is a quote section.
– author of quote